Wednesday, 18 September 2013

The wonderful worlds of alts and caps

So yet again my need for real world money and almost endless amounts of overtime has taken its toll on my gaming however throughout it all I've managed to set up a few things with my two alts, yes I know it seems a little excessive however going forward it is my hope to create a steady revenue stream to help finance PvP with my main, Mia.

As I've mentioned before alts are a great way to branch out into different areas thus allowing you to stay focused upon a single area for a character without the need to do off remap skill training, in my case this was to set up my Planetary Interaction in w-space and fine tune it to where I have all the materials I require whilst having some extra I can sell to fellow corp mates. My other alt, my k-space hauler, has expanded his mining repertoire to include ice mining and is currently working on his refining skills, I'll let you put the dots together there but I think its pretty obvious what I'll be making ;-)

So what else can you do? Well as a Unista I like my corpmates have to deal with the near constant threat posed by High Sec war dec corps, generally they are just seeking cheap kills via easy ganks however this can pose a serious threat to new members who are generally a few weeks old and have very few revenue streams. This is where an alt can step in, first up is creating a hauling alt, this is something almost everyone in EVE does and allows you the safety of staying in an NPC corp and avoiding those annoying war decs, that said you've still got to be aware of ganking, this is especially true when using the recently revised haulers with their large specialised holds and their potentially expensive cargoes.

But what about your main, what have you been doing I hear you ask, well a lot of POS spinning as I help out with the Titles Department, reviewing Freshman and Sophomore title requests for the most part, doing a little scanning, running some sites and fortunately getting in on some PvP action along the way, granted I've missed some awesome fights, including this recent attack on a site running fleet which came out very ISK positive, thankfully one of the fleets I managed to make was one of the Uni's infamous Dragon Slayer events, my trusted Neutgeddon, along with about 15 others, helped our fleet carry the day against The Cursed Few, neighbours of my fellow Unibros at our Null Sec Campus in Syndicate, the best bit is there was fraps available from both our side and there's,

I hope you enjoy the videos and until next time, fly recklessly.

Mia o7

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