In the meantime I've been trying to get myself some passive ISK by doing low intensity activities that can be running in the background and only require minimal input. To this end I've been moving stuff around for Mia using my alts Orca, mining with my alts Mackinaw and setting up a few planets for PI with, you guessed it, my alt. Suffice to say my alt did get the training queue back for bit to round out some useful skills but on the whole has been steadily making ISK which I will no doubt waste in a ball of fire and ship wreckage but I guess that's what you get for playing at internet spaceships :)
I'm not going to give people guides on how to set up PI as I'm not an expert in any shape or form but if you are interested I suggest checking out Seamus Donohue's excellent video which can be found here and the more recent articles by The Mittani here, there are various ways to do PI and I myself am trying out a couple of things so I may put my pennies worth in later.
As far as mining goes I'm not sure you can be an expert at mining but I guess there is a balance between effort and profit. If you're just selling minerals for profit then Veldspar and sometimes Scordite are usually king when it comes to the HighSec ores, if you're manufacturing however you need to look at the minerals you require and decide if its cheaper, and simpler, to mine common ore and sell some of it to just buy things you need or whether its best to mine the relevant asteroids to get the minerals you need.
Recently my plan has been to fill a Mackinaw every 30 minutes or so and dock up unload then repeat, if I go for Veldspar though the ore size is so small that I would need to lock new asteroids and start strip miner cycles every 6 or 7 minutes or so, not so bad when you're actively paying attention however as I was trying to write a report I went for large Rich or Azure Plagioclase asteroids which would mean I only had to start my strip miners one more time, a perfect way to make ISK or gather materials for production.
Thankfully in the last few days I've been able to get back into the swing of things with E-Uni operations and move a large percentage of my assets to the Low Sec Campus, a great place to meet experienced pilots and get used to not having Concord as your safety net, suffice to say I've not regretted the actual move from HighSec. I would strongly encourage any new Unista reading this to put a jump clone at the LSC and get a few frigates down there as well, perhaps a few destroyers or cruisers depending on your cash flow, try it out, don't be scared to lose a ship or two and be active, you'll learn so much more by doing and it helps cement the information from classes, so what you waiting for, go now :)
Until next time, fly dangerous o7
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