Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Space, the final frontier...

Due to real life Uni deadlines my time for roaming and organised fleets has been somewhat curtailed so I decided that it was time to maybe get back to my roots and grind out some ISK for the future.As I've mentioned before my original character for EVE was a miner, and to be honest he's about average at best, so I jumped into my Mackinaw and started chewing through the belts, a great way to make ISK when you've got to write reports.

This got me thinking about other ways I could go about making ISK and with the belts in the nearby systems being hit by some serious mining fleets I thought about practicing my scanning skills to find a Gravimetric site and with the help of a friend from my alts corp we found one in the very next system. As we landed at the site we found a single Retriever ripping into the low sec asteroids that I'd normally not risk going to get. So the race was on, word was sent to fellow corp members and soon we were attacking the site with 4 Exhumers with Orca support, in less than half an hour we emptied the site and went back to our own ISK making things.

Me however, well I got thinking, why do I always rely on others for the scanning, Exploration  is a  fantastic way to not only practice your scanning skills for use in combat (more on that in the future) but it can also yield some fairly lucrative sites, many of which cannot be tackled by the lone new player. Depending on your corps activity you may be able to get a group together and run such sites, although I would suggest avoiding high level DED sites until you know what you're doing.

As I found out the interface used for scanning is one that while tricky to get the hang of is in fact fairly simple once you get used to it, that said though the right skills like in any other area in EVE will make a massive difference. In game skills such as Astrometrics, Astrometric Accqusition, Astrometric Pinpointing and Astrometric Rangefinding are all vitally important and unlike many areas of the game this small suite of skills can be trained to reasonable levels relatively quickly. To that end, and to have a change from PvP, I decided that this is an area I will be working in the coming weeks and months to master as I really like the potential for finding the hidden riches of EVE but also for use in PvP when using Combat Scanner Probes, a skill that always seems to be in short supply at least within E-Uni from my fleet experiences of the last few months.

Until next time, fly dangerous, make it so ;-)

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